A culinary enthusiast on a mission to share my love for cooking, baking, and all things delicious. Loves nature and healthy food, and good coffee.


Hey there, lovely readers! Welcome to my food blog, a place where delicious recipes and heart warming stories come to life. I’m absolutely thrilled to have you join me on this culinary adventure.

You know, my journey with food began as a simple fascination – watching my grandmother effortlessly create mouth watering dishes that brought the family together. As I grew older, this fascination turned into a full-blown passion, leading me to pursue formal studies in food science. Armed with knowledge and a heart full of eagerness, I embarked on a quest to blend tradition with innovation.

And voilà, this blog was born! I wanted to share not just recipes, but the love, memories, and joy that food brings into our lives. Here, you’ll find a treasure trove of tried-and-true recipes spanning various categories. Whether it’s that perfect crispy fried chicken or a decadent chocolate cake that’s calling your name, we’ve got you covered.

Frequently Asked Questions

Photographic equipment that I usually use

Camera: Canon 5D III
Lens: 50mm f / 1.2L, 85mm f / 1.2L, 24 ~ 70mm f / 2.8L
Post-production: Lightroom / Photoshop
Mobile: iPhone X + VSCO Cam + Snapseed

How to start as a food blogger?

Begin by selecting a niche within the food world that excites you, create a user-friendly blog, share captivating recipes and food stories, use appealing visuals, engage with your audience on social media, and stay consistent with your posts to grow your food blogging journey.


So, as we gather around this digital table, know that my goal is simple: to make your cooking journey as exciting and flavorful as it can be. Let’s sprinkle a bit of magic and a dash of science into our pots and pans – shall we? Together, we’ll unravel the delicious mysteries of the culinary world and create a tapestry of tastes that will bring smiles to your faces and warmth to your hearts. Cheers to good food, wonderful company, and the stories we’ll share along the way!

Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it’s too assertive to the naked eye.

Gordon Ramsay

Thank you for reading

A heartfelt thank you for being a part of my daily food journey through the blogs and articles I share. Your enthusiasm for exploring flavors and trying out new recipes is truly inspiring – here’s to many more delightful culinary adventures together!

Do you have questions about recipes? Wanna work together? Feel free to write to me for all inquires!

www.keyfoodcircular.com © Copyright 2023. All rights reserved.